Social Media trainee: Thank You AFL SportsReady!

Social Media trainee: Thank You AFL SportsReady!

Social Media trainee: Thank You AFL SportsReady!

Such a bittersweet moment coming to the end of what has been an amazing chapter. Starting a traineeship at AFL SportsReady as a ‘Social Media trainee’ in April of 2021 has really opened my eyes to the endless career opportunities this area of work can bring. I have learnt, grown, and taken in so much working at AFL SportsReady about business, social media, network building, communication and working at both a local and national level within the organisation.

Coming into this journey I was excited to gain an understanding of what my specific interest was within this field; quite quickly I found a passion for article writing, interviewing, and content creation. Much of this growth I give praise to my supervisor Marissa for taking the time to explain and allow me to perfect my craft, especially in writing. Marissa went out of her way to make sure I felt comfortable, and understood exactly what I was doing and over the time being here I was lucky enough to have formed a great friendship. She has been an amazing Mentor, friend, and confidant over my time at AFLSR.

Not only do I thank Marissa for encouraging me to achieve my best I extend my thanks to all my great work colleges/mentors who helped me to grow and taught me so many valuable lessons and skills to build upon within this line of work. I am finishing this traineeship with freshly opened eyes ready to start building upon my career.

I have produced a number of articles in my time at AFLSR and it was amazing to see the reaction to my storytelling. With articles being shared internally around a section of the Victoria Government, Clothing The Gaps and many more. I am proud of everything I have achieved in such a short period of time as it has given me the courage to continue to work towards my dreams and goals. Knowing that if I give it a go, something rewarding may come out of it and this really excites me.

Whilst undergoing my traineeship I studied a Certificate III in Business and all I can say is the way that the education is incorporated with first-hand experience really worked wonders for me. Having the support of an Educator and lucky enough for me Yvonne being my Field Officer as well really allowed me to gain confidence within both study and work.

I was also lucky enough to have 2 First Nation Mentors – Ralph White and Brett Lee. They encouraged me and spoke to me about my future; encouraging me to try what I speak of and helping me build my networks amongst respected peoples. No matter where I am in life, I know all these people will be cheering me on and helping me to reach my potential.

It wasn’t just a year of learning a new field, but a lifetime of lessons. To both Fi and Grant who I worked very closely within the Marketing and Communications team and the lovely RMBD team. In the past year, all these people encouraged and pushed me to do my best, always lending a hand whenever I needed it and showing me the tricks of the trade. How lucky was I to be a part of such a small-knit, fun-loving team? I worked closely beside Fi and Grant and was trusted to help alongside big projects and to contribute ideas whether it was Graduation ideas, apparel design or the First Nations Design Competition – I was always listened to and respected.

I took time within my traineeship to take on whatever opportunity was presented to me, this allowed me to be involved in the AFLSR Rap Committee, the Connector crew, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Network, the Graduation Committee and to be a part of the Yarning Circle. I was able to build strong relationships with staff across the country that not only helped me in my time at AFLSR but have offered to continue to help me with my next career move.

I am grateful I took this opportunity to move interstate and find a pathway that really allowed me to work on my passions, especially at a time when everything seemed so uncertain. I will absolutely cherish this part of my life but I know what is next will be just as exciting and I’m eager to see where everything takes me.

(The Marketing team)

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