• plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. CONTACT OUR SUPPORT TEAM

    For further information or queries, please email the team at [email protected]

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. EXPRESS INTEREST

    If you would like to know more about offering an opportunity to eligible students or want your organisation to contribute to the education, upskilling and reconciliation of our First Nations community, please complete your details below and one of our team will be in contact with you.

    Becoming a Partner - FN Host Enquiry

Empower Your Business, Employ a Cadet

Welcome to AFL SportsReady’s Cadetship Program! Our initiative provides valuable employment opportunities for First Nations university students. The program supports First Nations university students in completing their studies and gaining practical work experience, developing essential skills in their chosen field.

The First Nations Cadetship Program is a funded initiative by the National Indigenous Australians Agency funded initiative.

Partnering with us not only supports the professional growth of First Nations students but also enriches your workplace with diverse perspectives and cultural insights.

AFL SportsReady seeks likeminded employers who can commit to providing First Nations university students with a culturally safe and productive learning environment. Our program offers flexible employment arrangements and support services, ensuring a mutually rewarding experience for everyone involved.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. SUPPORT YOUNG TALENT

    You’ll have the opportunity to support driven young individuals in their pursuit of industry experience. This engagement not only benefits the students but also provides your business with fresh ideas and perspectives from future leaders.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. INVEST IN EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT PATHWAYS

    By employing a cadet, your business directly invests in the education and career development of First Nations students. This program offers a meaningful way to contribute to reconciliation and foster diversity within your organisation.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. FULFIL YOUR RAP RESPONSIBILITIES

    Hosting a cadet aligns with and helps fulfill your Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) responsibilities. A RAP outlines the steps your business will take to promote reconciliation within your organisation and the broader community.

Cadets are guaranteed a minimum of 10 weeks of paid employment each year as part of their Cadetship. This allows Cadets to gain professional experience alongside their studies while offering employers passionate and knowledgeable individuals ready to contribute to their industry. By hosting a cadet, you help build the next generation of First Nations professionals and provide long-term employment opportunities.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. FLEXIBLE EMPLOYMENT STRUCTURE

    The Cadetship Program offers flexible employment arrangements where Cadets have the option to work during semester breaks in “blocks” on a more regular basis during the study semester (such as 1-2 days per week). This flexibility allows you and the cadet to tailor the experience to fit your schedules.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. MENTORING SUPPORT

    AFL SportsReady offers ongoing mentoring support from experienced First Nations professionals. Mentors regularly engage with the Cadets, supporting their well-being, cultural connection, and professional development.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. EMPLOYERS MUST
    • Be able to provide Cadets with 10 weeks of paid employment over a 12-month period (the cadet is the employer’s employee)
    • Be able to provide the Cadet with meaningful work related to their field of study
    • Provide a culturally safe environment
  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. THE PROCESS
    1. A conversation is had with AFL SportsReady to understand the employers opportunities, operating environment (cultural safety) and workforce needs.
    2. AFL SportsReady identify suitable Cadetship candidates and arrange interviews with the industry employer.
    3. Industry employers sign an AFL SportsReady Provider Agreement to ensure commitment to the program.

    Cadets and Industry Employers complete all relevant

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. COST

    The industry employer benefits from partnering with the Cadetship Program at no additional cost, aside from the obligation to pay the wages of their cadet(s).

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It would be deadly to have you!

AFL SportsReady acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the original custodians of this land and pays its respects to all First Nations peoples. We acknowledge the spiritual, physical and cultural connection First Nations peoples have with country as the first people of the land.

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