Undertaking a gap year at Eastern Hills Senior High, Trainee Madison Towle embarked on a remarkable adventure that seamlessly blends her passions with professional growth. Reflecting on her past year, Madison’s experience with the Schools Program has proven to be a fusion of productivity and enjoyment. Allowing her to flourish both in her work and personal life.
“It’s been a game-changer…” – Madison
Imagine a year where your passions become an integral part of your lifestyle and job description. Madison’s role encompasses a heap of thrilling activities – mountain biking, canoeing, hiking, and cooking. All while being paid for the pleasure. However, her journey goes far beyond these fun adventures. She has participated in excursions, led engaging camps, and coordinated sporting events and competitions, all while contributing to classroom activities.
Transitioning from the structured environment of high school to the dynamic realm of the real world can be challenging. Madison’s experience, though, demonstrates that this transition can be seamless. The familiar rhythms of school life, including hours and social dynamics, have effortlessly blended into her full-time Traineeship. This smooth immersion into adulthood is facilitated by the supportive community at Eastern Hills. The teamwork and warmth exhibited by the staff have made her feel right at home, facilitating her transition into her new role.
At the heart of Madison’s success is her supervisor, who provides essential guidance in managing the dual responsibilities of work and study.
The collaborative relationship between Eastern Hills and AFL SportsReady, her unwavering support system, has proven pivotal. Madison emphasises their approachability, which has been instrumental in overcoming challenges. Particularly when seeking assistance for her online Cert IV in Sport & Rec coursework.
Madison’s enthusiasm is contagious as she wholeheartedly endorses a Traineeship as a stepping stone into the world of sports and recreation.
“If you’re thinking about getting a job in the sports and recreation industry, I’d 100% give this job a thumbs up.” – Madison
Her testimony speaks to the transformative nature of this experience, where passion and profession seamlessly converge. The opportunity to explore and contribute meaningfully to a field she loves has left her invigorated and motivated.
“I’m all in for anyone who wants to experience this awesome journey!” – Madison
In conclusion, Madison Towle’s gap year at Eastern Hills Senior High serves as a testament to the potential of a well-executed gap year. The harmonious blend of adventure, responsibility and personal growth has paved the way for her transition into the world beyond education. As Madison’s enthusiasm advocates, for those contemplating a career in sports and recreation, this opportunity Schools Traineeship Program undoubtedly deserves a resounding endorsement.
Madison’s journey underscores that when passion aligns with the profession, the possibilities are boundless.