Unexpected Opportunities through Traineeships

Unexpected Opportunities through Traineeships

When Josh Roberts first decided to take on his traineeship with AFL SportsReady, he had no idea just how much it would shape his career and personal growth. Despite initially being more interested in technology. Josh was offered a unique opportunity in the Art Department at his previous school. It was a chance at Mount Lilydale Mercy College that he seized with enthusiasm.

Demonstrating the unexpected benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone.

This traineeship has taught me that sometimes the best opportunities come from the most unexpected places.

Josh’s supervisor Emma Thornhill, Faculty Leader of Visual Arts, noted the importance of this flexibility:

He doesn’t know everything about art. He can learn that as he’s going.

This adaptability is a testament to the great experience a Visual Art traineeship can offer, especially when they diverge from one’s initial area of interest.

A significant part of Josh’s role involves assisting with various Art Department-related tasks, including managing the darkroom, handling photography equipment and using the laser cutter. These experiences broadened his skill set and will provide him with a unique perspective on the interdisciplinary nature of the school’s Art department.

Reflecting on his traineeship, Josh shared how the experience has really helped him grow.

Being able to come back to my high school and work with some of the teachers that I had and having lived…from the other side of the fence, basically a different perspective.

Working alongside his former teachers allowed him to see them in a new light, breaking down the student-teacher barriers and fostering a deeper understanding of their roles and the challenges they face.

One of Josh’s challenges so far is managing his time effectively. Balancing his responsibilities with the school’s Art Department and his Certificate III in Business coursework requires a new level of organisation. His supervisor remarked on his dedication:

He always likes to hang around because he doesn’t want to leave without finishing his tasks.

This commitment to his duties, even when it meant staying late, highlighted Josh’s strong work ethic and willingness to go above and beyond.

The traineeship also provided Josh with opportunities to explore new interests and skills. For instance, he had the chance to learn more about photography, a field he hadn’t previously considered. His supervisor encouraged this exploration:

Josh has shown tremendous growth by adapting to a completely different field. It’s impressive how he’s managed to blend his interest in technology with the Art Department’s needs.

This support and encouragement from his supervisor play a crucial role in his development.

Josh’s journey reminds us of the benefits of embracing new and unexpected opportunities. By stepping into a role outside his initial area of interest. He discovered new skills, built new relationships and gained a deeper understanding of himself and his career aspirations.

Working in the Art Department has shown me how different subjects can interconnect, like using technology in photography and design.

His experience underscores the importance of traineeships in providing real-world experience and encouraging personal growth. Josh’s story is an inspiring example of how such opportunities can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes for those considering a traineeship.

Seeing Josh flourish in this environment, despite it not being his initial field of interest, highlights the value of being open to new opportunities.

So, if you’re contemplating a traineeship, even if it’s not in your immediate field of interest, take a page out of Josh’s book. Embrace the opportunity with an open mind and you might just find yourself on a new exciting, fulfilling path.

It’s a great reminder to us all of the value of embracing new experiences, no matter where they might lead.

Mount Lilydale Mercy College is a long-time partner with AFL SportsReady. Together we’ve been shaping the futures of Trainees and making a lasting impact for over 20 years.

With over 29 years of experience providing quality job opportunities and launching the careers of thousands of young Australians. AFL SportsReady offers diverse and thrilling opportunities that could take your career to the next level.

If you’re just starting in your career or looking to take it in a new direction. AFL SportsReady has something to offer, with a commitment to quality training and support. You can be sure you’ll have the tools you need to succeed.

Kickstart your career today by exploring available Traineeships.

We have applied the successful AFL SportsReady model to the arts, cultural and creative industries.

The ArtsReady program assists employers in engaging young Australians in traineeships. ArtsReady is delivered by AFL SportsReady, a not-for-profit organisation specialising in education and employment for over 29 years. The national program prepares participants to graduate as job-ready.