How Trainees Are Thriving During Lockdown – Chelsea Clarke TAS

How Trainees Are Thriving During Lockdown – Chelsea Clarke TAS

How Trainees Are Thriving During Lockdown – Chelsea Clarke TAS

Traineeship: Certificate III in Sport & Rec at Ulverstone Secondary College.

How has lockdown changed your traineeship?

I have not been able to go on outdoor excursions anymore such as school camps or kayaking due to the regulations of not leaving school campus. School sporting events have been canceled or postponed until further notice which has decreased my workload as well as limited interaction with students. Although my job has changed I have been able to try new things and help others where I can which is great for my work and personal development.

How are you doing in your traineeship and through this lockdown period?

I have been engaging in extracurricular activities such as learning about disability support in the workplace and autism spectrum disorder. I have been helping out in other areas of the school to keep busy.  The lockdown has had many great benefits as I have been able to work on my own personal fitness and work with other colleagues to help deliver fitness courses at my school. Within these fitness classes, I have been able to strengthen and develop relationships with a vast range of students as well as other work colleagues outside of the HPE department.

What are you most looking forward to as restrictions ease?

I look forward to being able to go on more excursions with the outdoor education sector, as well as help to get school sport up and running for students. I am looking forward to continuing to interact with the students and be able to join in with other classes as extra support and assistance for the teacher in charge. 

IMAGE: Chelsea on the right with her supervisor Meg Graham.

Learn How Trainees Are Thirivng In Lockdown

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