Cassandra Dosen
North Melbourne Football Club
“I have learnt a lot about myself, what I am capable of and what I can handle.”
“I highly recommend it, one of the best experiences ever. You learn so much about yourself and others.”
“The experience really interested me. I was never really big into my studies, which is why I knew I didn’t want to go straight to university from high school. The traineeship offered me to get a qualification that will further my career, while getting paid and gaining the experience on the job as well.”
“I didn’t really know a lot about Football to begin with, I wasn’t a big AFL fan at home, so I was really worried coming in that I would have to know everything about football, but I slowly learnt over time. Now I love footy and go to games every week, I even have a membership that I can’t do without!”
“I have learnt a lot about myself, what I am capable of and what I can handle.”
“Why go to university for three or four years to study a course, when you could do a traineeship and gain practical experience as well as a qualification?”