Brent Carlyle

Brent Carlyle

Brent Carlyle

Brent Carlyle

Contact Details
Phone: 03 8413 3514

Brent Carlyle has been with the company for an impressive nine years.  Starting his career journey as a trainee at Marcellin College, Brent climbed his way up from Field Officer at AFL SportsReady, to Regional Manager, GTO manager and now his current role as Operations Manager.

In his role as Field Officer Brent has facilitated over 350 traineeships and apprenticeships in Victoria and Tasmania, and as a manager, he has played a leading role in overseeing the success of AFL SportsRead’s  programs and partnerships.

His qualifications include a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Education / Psychology), Diploma Business, Certificate III & IV Sport and Recreation Management

AFL Team: Essendon