Hello Traineeship Seekers!

You may have recently expressed your interest in a Traineeship!
This is so awesome and we are super excited for you!

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. Will I get a Traineeship?

    Your expression of interest submission is not a job application, rather you’ve registered with us that you’re keen to find out more about future opportunities, particularly for 2025.

    If you can’t wait that long and you’re super eager to start right away, you can regularly check our Jobs Board.

    We’ve also added you to regular job update emails.
    Make sure you always check your junk mail.

  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. What kind of Traineeships are there?

    Traineeships are usually full-time, but can also be part-time or school-based.

    Since you’ve recently submitted your expression of interest form, we may be in contact when opportunities pop up.
    It’s a great idea to keep an open mind because great things can come from unexpected opportunities.

    “This traineeship has taught me that sometimes the best opportunities come from the most unexpected places.” – Josh


  • plus Created with Sketch. minus Created with Sketch. When will AFL SportsReady contact you?

    We can’t stress the follow this enough,
    1. Activate and check your voicemail
    2. Check your emails including junk mail

    Our opportunities are so hot, that if you don’t respond, we’ll assume you’re no longer interested.